Sustainable Swaps for Your Everyday Beauty Products
If you are looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle, it’s time to clean out your beauty cabinet. Beauty and wellness products are often packaged with excessive waste and single-use plastic. Much of these products are also filled with unnecessary chemicals and ingredients your skin does not need.
It’s time to make a few changes to your skincare routine so we have compiled a list to help you with some easy swaps.
Plastic razors are a huge contributor to ‘throwaway society’. They have a short lifespan and there is no proper way to sustainably dispose of a plastic razor!
The solution is… a safety razor! These razors are made from stainless steel, are reusable and will last you years.
2. Cotton Swabs
The days of single-use cotton swabs are in the past! Opt for silicone swabs; they can be easily cleaned, are reusable and offered in various colours. These swabs are perfect for touching up makeup or fixing your nails.
You can also look for bamboo swabs! They are single-use and 100% biodegradable.
3. Deodorant
Did you know most deodorants contain harmful chemicals? Look for a natural, aluminum-free deodorant when making your next purchase. One of our favourite brands is Meow Meow Tweet. All deodorants are vegan, cruelty-free, chemical-free and packaged in zero-waste packaging.
4. Oral Care
Say ‘good-bye’ to your plastic toothbrush and toothpaste container and ‘hello’ to the next best thing. Bamboo toothbrushes and toothpaste tablets will take your oral care to the next level.
Mouthful is a sustainable oral care company that offers these products and a subscription-based service so you never need to worry about running low!
If you’re looking for more products with values that match yours, check out weDstll. weDstll is a mobile beauty app that matches shoppers with beauty brands based on values such as sustainability, ethical, vegan and cruelty-free.
The app is first of its kind and is set to launch in the near future! Check out their Instagram for green beauty tips!
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Edited by Jaimie Goldstein, noodPR Intern