5 Simple Lifestyle Changes to be More Eco-Friendly
Go green, gang!
Many people want to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, but might be intimidated by the process or don’t know where to start. There are so many resources online so it can feel overwhelming.
We have compiled a short and simple list of lifestyle changes anyone can incorporate to become more eco-friendly. Whether you are looking to make one small change, or do a complete 180°, there is something on this list for everybody. And if you’re reading this article, you already have the right idea in mind!
Carry a reusable water bottle
Start carrying a reusable water bottle with you whenever you leave your home. Stainless steel cups will keep your liquids cold or hot for hours, and will prevent you from purchasing single-use plastic bottles!
2. Don’t ignore litter, pick it up
You know that throwing out your trash on the ground is wrong, so why don’t we do something about it!? Picking up trash may not be the most glamorous thing to do, but it is incredibly rewarding. Next time you are walking outside and see a piece of trash, pick it up and responsibly dispose it!
OnePieceADay is an app that encourages every person on the planet to pick up one piece of trash a day, take a picture of it and then dispose it responsibly.
This can encourage you to pick up trash every day as you can see the difference you are making directly on the App. Smalls actions daily lead to big changes!
3. Hang clothes to dry
Take advantage of the summer heat and take a break from your drying machine! Hang up a clothes-line in your backyard or on a balcony. Set up a drying rack if you don’t have the outdoor space, or use any ledge!
4. Think about packaging
Before your next purchase, think about the packaging your item will come in. Many beauty and hygiene products are packaged in single-use plastic. Ditch the bottles of body wash and shampoo and try out soap bars!
Check out SOTE’S for these products! All products are made from 100% organic, natural and biodegradable ingredients.
5. Walk or ride your bike
If you don’t have too far to travel, ditch your car and walk or ride your bike on your next outing. Not only is it great exercise, but this will give you time to unwind and appreciate the outdoor environment while reducing your carbon footprint!
Any change you incorporate into your lifestyle is making a positive impact! Once you become more comfortable with these changes, they will feel natural to you and you’ll feel good about the positive impact you are making.
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Edited by Jaimie Goldstein, noodPR Intern